Canna 'Frau Gartenburg' aka Canna 'Garton Baudie'
by Dianne
(New England Area, NSW, Australia)
An 'unaltered' photo of Canna Frau Gartenburg
With a blue background
I love this one in a torquoise tone!
and this one I turned into an Oil Pastel sketch!
Well, it was I.D'd as the latter, but I have learned that it is correctly named 'Canna Frau Gartenburg' .. never mind, it's ONE of my 'faves'!
It grew alongside a clump of (what I bought as) 'Canna Tropical Peach' & was immediately noticeable as the 'odd man out' amongst them! Somehow, it's rhisome had been mixed-up with the others & subsequently planted with them as well.
The leaf is green & it has grown to be about 1.6 mtr tall with 12mths growth.
I love using this bloom with different photo effects .. I have some on my walls & they look great! Hope you enjoy them like I do!