Canna Varieties, Some Old and New Varieties in Canpelkni Blooms Australia Canna Collection

This is a reference to cannas I've had and some I currently grow, I've kept varieties listed that I no longer have as a reference for you as I feel this Information is invaluable as to what can be found growing in Australia.

I am located in Terang Victoria, my home garden is private with a selection of Cannas and Alstroemerias Plants available for sale. I am Open by Appointment Most Days, Phone Ahead on 0493850494, Terang is Located 30 minutes from Warrnambool, 1 1/2 hours from Geelong and Ballarat. Online store is open Buy Plants Online of my excess plants.

The Canna Varieties I have grown over the years range from dwarf to giant canna plants in an array of tropical colors.

Some have insignificant flowers and are grown as foliage plants, some of the cannas are true aquatic water plants.

Often they are are incorrectly referred to as canna lilies.

You can visit cultivator links below for pictures and full descriptions about each plant.


Canna Adorationgle

Canna Adoration, short grower at under 1 meter tall, green foliage.

African Scarlet Speckle,

Canna Aida a special lady with big wide flowers of soft apricot overlaid with salmon pink held above green foliage. Aida reaches up to 1.4 meters tall in the garden, possibly one of the prettiest shaded cannas available.


Canna Alberich, up to 90 centimeters tall in the garden with green foliage, a heirloom canna by Pfitzer, 1949.

Alfred Cole with his deep red blooms flushed scarlet and overlaid with faint elongated red splotches, labellum show a brushstroke of yellow with splotching once again, all held above green foliage, around 1.4 meters tall, vintage Australian plant by Charles F Cole.



Alsace 1896 was first offered for sale as the white canna, full heads of blooms opening from pale yellow buds with some faint pink on upper labellum, flowers quickly progress through to a soft cream and finally through to a white, shows more centered pink in damp cool weather, needs warm sunny days to stay clear and white so she looks her best, canna Alsace grows up to 1.7 meters tall, seeds yes.

Canna Alycia Fowler, raised by Bernard Yorke and named in honor for Glen Fowler's beloved niece.


ambrosia canna

Canna Ambrosia with pretty apricot to pink blooms overlaid with faint pink splotching's, bronzed foliage over dark olive green, 1.4 meters tall.



First canna ever to be hybridized, bred by Monsieur The'odore Ann'ee in France 1848, simple blooms of apricot that progress through a pretty pale pink tone, 3.1 mtrs, seeds yes, from Annei more hybrids were produced some with toned foliage that still show traits back to this giant canna.

Annei Hybrid,

Annei Hybrid darker leaf,


Read all about Canna Annjee

Annjee Baby with mid soft pink blooms bordered with cream, labellum is heavily splotched with a creamy yellow tone, raised in Australia 2006. Easily grows to one meter tall above green foliage and sets seed. Recent new release of this very rare Australian cultivar. Canna Annjee Baby is a seedling from the beautiful but much darker pink canna Annjee.

Family of Pink Cannas Una, Annjee and Annjee Baby Story

anjees childgle

Canna Annjees Child, the latest addition in the Annjee story and another scrumptious variety in the Canna Gle Series, new to me and currently reaches 1.2 meter tall above green foliage.


Aphrodite seedling TBN,

Apricot Beauty,

Apricot Butterfly,

Apricot Peacock,


Artiorae with rich glistening pink and orangery apricot blooms this is a very pretty canna as it often glitters upon closer inspection in the sunlight, blooms are often ruffled in the cooler weather, green foliage, 1.3 meters tall, raised 2007 by me- Raelene, seeds yes.

Artists Palette,

Canna Assaut early 1920s, with vibrant scarlet red blooms in cooler weather he shows more prominent orange n yellow tones, broad dark bronzed brown foliage, 1.8 meters tall, seeds no.


Austra from pale yellow to cream blooms overlaid with small spots of baby pink, good coverage on labellum and stamen also, green foliage, 1.2 metres tall, rare distinctive Australian hybrid, seeds yes.

Canna Austria has stunning bright yellow blooms with few pale orange speckle's in throat and on the stamen generally easy to find with it's high split on labellum, blooms are held above upright green foliage, around 1.6mtrs, suitable for ponds potted then submerged as marginals or garden beds as mine are. A very easy reliable old canna that multiplies well and puts on a colourful show, a heirloom canna raised in Italy around 1893, seeds no.



Read all about Canna Beatrix




bengal big

Read all about Canna Bengal Tiger

Bernards Gartenburg,

Bernards Meteor,

Cannas Bethany

Canna Bethany with orchid type big blooms of orange with yellow bordering, variegated foliage of green and gold, 1.8 meters tall, exceptional rare to produce seed though I've found it is not impossible. Canna Bethany is a sport/genetic mutation of Bengal Tiger. There is also a very short stunted form of Bethany in circulation in Australia.


Canna Black Magic from black buds Black Magic shows its unusual velvety dark blood red and elongated flower held above green foliage, a medium growing canna reaching 1.2 meters tall.


Bobby Dazzler,

Bohemian Dancer,


Britannia heritage cultivator 1895, canna Britannia is an ever changing flowering yellow and orange canna with different color formations, this canna has regulary shown 4 consistant variations in my garden from this one clump, the only consistancy on Britannia is the labellum always shows a high split, a very unstable flowering canna with many surprises throughout the season 1.7 mtrs+, seeds no.



Canna Bubblegum reaches 1.2 meters tall, Bubblegum has all green foliage and is another in Gle Series of cannas varieties.

Canna Burbank 1890's, yellow flowers with a few orange elongated splotches on a very pronounced labellum and broad stamen, green tropical foliage, tall plants easily growing up to 1.9 meters tall and increases at a quite rampant speed. Very easily found at most weekend markets here in Victoria. This is known as an Italian or Orchid type canna because of its big floppy blooms. Like many yellows Burbank also quickly fades through to white with thin textured blooms and also has more of an upright cupped flower shape when compared to the similar cultivators Austria and King Midas.

Canna Bushfire possibly a heritage canna misplaced/renamed, apricot orange to salmon, bronze foliage over olive green, around 1.6 meters tall.




Candy Splash

Canna C. F. Cole an Australian cultivator by Charles Frederick Cole in honour of himself, pale cream to white heavily spotted pink, green foliage, can grow up to 1.3 meters tall.

canna capers

Canna Capers an early hybrid raised by Bernard Yorke of Australia.

canna capri

Canna Capri heritage plant with delicate shades from yellow through to cream blooms with radiating rose pink tones, the flowers tend to bleeds more pink in cooler weather, green leaves, up to 1.4 meter tall.

canna Caprice

Canna Caprice an early hybrid raised by Bernard Yorke of Australia.


Canna Captain Cole with slight ruffling to his deep vermilion blooms are slightly trimmed with a touch of yellow with a heavily splotched yellow throat and stamen, older blooms progress through to a soft pinkish red tone, flowers are held well above broad green foliage, grows 1.7 meter tall.

Canna Cardinal, with distinctive big blooms of orange n scarlet heavily overlaid n spotted, broad dark foliage, grows up to 1.6 meters tall, seeds no.

canna Carrogle

Canna Carrogle, rich orange flowers, just above 1.1 meters tall.

Centenaire de Rozain-Boucharlat heritage canna from the 1920s, medium sized blooms with cerise red flushed bright pink held above green foliage, canna Centenaire de Rozain-Boucharlat grows up to 1.3 meters tall, seeds yes.

Canna Cerise Gladdy, with slender sized blooms in a delicious lolly pink held above green foliage, grows to around 1.6 meters tall, raised by Bernard Yorke, seeds yes.

Cerise Magic,

Canna Cerise St Albans Park with soft watermelon red generous sized flowers with nice slightly ruffled edged blooms, raised in Geelong.


Canna Chapter at almost 1.8 meters tall.

Canna Cheerfulness with many rich apricot orange blooms trimmed with a fine golden yellow margin and throat held above green foliage, grows up to 1.4 meters tall in the garden.


Canna City of Portland raised 1916, vibrant iridescent salmon pink flowers with yellow splotched stamen and labellum, green foliage, up to 1.3 meters tall for me.

Canna Colibri is a recent introduction to Australia. Colibri has big flowers of soft yellow gently flushed through to cream blooms with elongated baby pink splotches. Colibri grows up to 1.2 meters tall and has green foliage, seeds yes.

Canna Constitution with creamy pale pink blooms held above beautiful foliage of soft tan, pewter, purple n bronze, in cooler weather her blooms change to a soft pinky apricot tone, upto 1.8 meters tall, seeds yes.


Copper Butterfly,


crazy timesgle use

Canna Crazy Times Gle Series up to 1.6 meters tall, Crazy Times is all green foliage.


Canna Crepe L Orange, sensational elongated frilled blooms of rich old copper n orange overlaid with deeper orange blotches all finished off with a fine irregular border of gold, green foliage,1.4 mtrs tall.

Canna Cupid with soft baby pink blooms with an irregular trimmings of cream, there are two strains under this name in circulation in Australia, this strain has reached 1.2 meters tall for me.

Cyclone Bonaza,


Di Bartolo

Di Bartolo

Canna Di Bartolo, 1.3 meters with bronze colored foliage.

doyen jean libaud

Canna Doyen Jean Libaud, Heirloom pre 1897 with green foliage.

Dr Ingrid,

Durgarae from golden apricot blooms to soft apricot n pink with irregular placed pink bleeding that only seems to be consistent on and near the edges of the staminodes, labellum and stamen beautifully shaded too, dark bronzed over green foliage, 1.4 meters tall, raised 2007 by me, Raelene.

Canna Ebpapei, with deep butter yellow elongated blooms held well above green foliage, grows 1.3 meters tall, raised by me in 2007 and named in honor for and by my daughter Ebony.

Canna Effie Cole with beautiful shaded salmon pink flowers bordered and trimmed in pale yellow held above green foliage, reaching 1.2 meters tall in the garden.


Heritage canna Elizabeth Hoss with many rich yellow blooms irregularly splotched scarlet, green foliage, this special lady grows 1.5 meter tall.

Canna Elizabeth Hoss, form 2.

Elma Cole

Heirloom Australian canna Elma Cole

Canna En Avant heritage canna 1914, evenly covered blooms with elongated spots held above green foliage, only ever reached 70 cm in height for me in dry water restricted conditions, a friend has En Avant reaching 1.2 meters tall, an oldie but a goodie and an extremely water wise vintage gem.

Canna Endeavour displays a mass of raspberry red blooms held above slender blue green foliage with a burgundy margin around 1.8 meters tall, grows equally well in garden ponds potted then submerged, as marginals or garden beds as mine are, raised by Robert J. Armstrong-early 1970, Endeavour is first in the series of the four aquatic canna's from the famous Longwood Gardens and was named in honor of the famous explorer Captain Cooks ship, seeds yes.

Endulis Major,




Canna Eureka, not to be confused with canna Alsace or the white fading canna Burbank which can often be found being sold incorrectly under the name Eureka. Once lost Eureka was rediscovered from a estate in which she was planted out in the 1950s. This heritage cultivator dates back to pre 1920. Eureka opens from pale yellow buds to show off her slightly rippled edging on her flowers which are ever so faintly splotched with soft pink, labellum is notched and is heavily blocked and splotched pink and her slender yellow stamen is often tightly curled and also has prominent pink markings, green foliage, up to 1.2 meters tall.


Fiery Sparkles was raised in Australia in 2006, is very heavily marked with elongated pink splotches over pale yellow through to cream blooms, green foliage, canna Fiery Sparkles can eventually grow up to 1 meter tall.



Fire Flame,


Firefly Striped Form,

Flaccida -imported seed grown,


Canna Flamingo Dawn delicately shaded and mottled with soft pastel apricot, pink and cream blooms above green foliage, grows up to 1.1 meters tall for me.

A Heirloom Crozy canna Florence Vaughan with firm elongated staminode's of brilliant yellow dotted and blotched in scarlet that are displayed in a distinct upright form upon opening, blooms are tapered at their ends and held above fresh green foliage with a clear margin, reaching 1.5 meters tall for me.


Frau Gartenburg

Frederick Benary seldom seen heritage canna, with Big BIg BIG blooms of dark apricot orange that progress through to a soft overlaid pink tone, heavily splotched golden yellow throat and mottled stamen trimmed again in golden yellow, giant canna around 2.3 meters tall, green foliage, seeds no. The earliest reference I have for Frederick Benary in Australia is from 1916 and also a 1918 Australian reference with him and a cultivar called Ami Benary. Friedrich Benary was the great grandson of the famous botanist and horticulturist Ernst Benary.

Frilly Inferno,

Heritage canna Furst Weid 1907 with many blooms of velvety red with some yellow mottling on labellum, grows up to 1.5 meters, green foliage, one of the best reds producing many multiple branches per stem, often producing 7 flowering heads on the one stem, I highly recommended this as one of the best red cannas, seeds yes.

Gee Whiz,

Canna Gem from yellow buds that progress through to cream, overlaid with baby pink splotches, heavily splotched dark pink labellum, green foliage, around 1.5 mtrs, seeds yes.

Canna Gem form 2, yellow to cream irregular elongated pink splotches, around 1.7 mtrs, green foliage, seeds yes.

Giselle with yellow blooms heavily splotched with pale orange spots that progress to dark orange with age, blooms show distinctive yellow bordering and a ruffled edge, green foliage, grows upto 1.1 mtrs tall, raised by Bernard Yorke.



Goldbird heirloom canna pre 1927, with soft lemon yellow flowers with faint orange splotching on labellum and a slight ruffle to edge of blooms all held above green foliage. Canna Goldbird is a very easy grower and increases well and reaches upto 1.3 meters tall in the garden.

Canna Golden Deliciousgle

Canna Golden Deliciousgle with lemon yellow blooms with small pink spotting, 1.8 meters tall.


Henri Cohn stunning canna with dark radiant rose pink blooms with some cream brushed on upper labellum, blooms are held above prominent ribbed dark bronzed foliage over dark olive green, 1.8 meters tall, one of the best dark pinks on a dark leaf, seeds yes.

Canna Honey Mango with rich multi colored blooms, heavily overlaid and splotched with orange n yellow, very nicely finished off with a irregular golden yellow trim, around 1.3 meters tall for me, green foliage, seeds yes.

Canna Horusrae with soft apricot through to pink blooms, labellum and stamen beautifully shaded too, dark bronzed over green foliage, grows 1.3 meters tall in the garden, raised by me in 2007.

Hot Property,



Canna Iridiflora Ehemanni, heirloom canna c1863, easily grows up to 2.1 meters tall in the garden.

Canna Isabellagle

Canna Isabellagle, dwarf at 85 cm tall, green foliage..

Canna Italia dates back to 1893, this famous old canna has big bold blooms of yellow overlaid and splotched with orange and red, heavily splotched labellum/lip virtually all orange and red. Italia can be unstable in formation of blooms ~see additional pic, blooms are held above blue green foliage, grows easily upto 2.1 meters tall in the ground.

Italia grows equally well in garden ponds potted then submerged, as marginals or garden beds as mine are, likes a moist position to perform his best. Italia was the first bred of the orchid types canna's, and is not to be confused with other garden plants, a distinctive and grand canna that has stood the test of time and puts on a very vibrant show, seeds no.

Canna Ivor Evans a heritage canna, earliest reference I have is 1934 in Australia, Ivor has big blooms of apricot orange with a yellow splotched labellum and stamen, upright blooms have a irregular yellow trim, in the heat of summer Ivor Evans presents his flowers as dark reddish orange, green foliage, easily grows up to 2.1mtrs tall in the garden, seeds no.

Canna Ivory Magic opening from yellow buds to show soft cream blooms beautifully flushed pale pink, labellum heavily covered pale pink, green foliage, grows up-to 1.3 mtrs tall, seeds yes, raised by B Yorke.


Canna Jarchewall with soft yellow, apricot to pink blooms held above colored foliage over olive green, one of my sons few hybrids raised 2006, grows up to 2.1 meters tall.

Canna Jarhondarh with golden yellow blooms finely covered with orange/red irregular elongated spots n splotches, green foliage approx 1.4 meters tall. Raised in 2006 by my son Jarvis and named in honor for and by him and his then beloved Honda motorbike. This is the first canna of three that my son raised.

Canna Jarluigi with soft banana yellow through to white flowers finely splotched red on stamen and labellum, 1.2 meters, raised 2006 by my son Jarvis.

J. D. Cabos

Canna Jezebel, a early hybrid by Bernard Yorke 2007.


John Lochner

Canna Journeys End with elongated blooms of yellow heavily shaded and blotched pink, Journeys End grows up to 1.2 meters tall in the garden, a beautiful canna with green foliage.

Judy Cuppaidge,

Just Dandy,


Canna Katie, with rich dark pink blooms held above dark olive green foliage heavily overlaid with burgundy, stems and midrib are burgundy too, Katie grows up to 1.2 meters tall in the ground, a superb dark leaf with pink flowers of the canna varieties.

Canna King Humbert 1908 cultivator Roi Humbert which translates in english as King Humbert, with big flowers of scarlet red and magnificent leaves of purple n bronze over dark olive green, see additional pictures, up to 2.1 meters tall for me. King Humbert is the parent plant that sported and produced Yellow King Humbert.


Canna Kiss Me Quickgle

Canna Kiss Me Quickgle, just above 1.1 meters tall, green foliage.

Konigen Charlotte

Canna Konigen Charlotte (Queen Charlotte) heirloom plant from 1892.


Lemon Chiffon,

Lemon Schertzo,

Canna La Cuna, a early hybrid by Bernard Yorke.

La France with large scarlet blooms held above broad glossy purple leaves, grows upto 1.6 meters.

Libra Picotee,

Lillian Cole,

Logan Beauty,


Canna Louis Cottin recent introduction to Australia, from copper yellow through to soft apricot flowers, short at 80 cms tall, bronzed foliage.

Canna Lucifer with scarlet red flowers with a sharp thin yellow border, stamen and labellum splotched yellow, green foliage, up to 1 meter tall in the garden, quite a distinct garden canna.

Canna Madame Angele Martin from the softest apricot to pink blooms held over bronzed foliage, a beautiful canna reaching 1.3 meters tall in the garden.

Canna Madame Butterfly 1930s from the Grande Opera Series, her big beautiful blooms are overlaid with soft peach pink, heavily splotched yellow to cream with a fine margin, in cooler weather her flowers are smaller and are a more darker pink in color with minimal splotching s, green foliage, grows upto 1.6 meters tall, when grown well she produces huge individual blooms(14 cms across) a superb cream of the crop canna, a reference describes her as~ MME BUTTERFLY Lovely pastel tints of shell pink, with undertones of yellow markings produce a constant surprise and delight. You are sure to applaud the sterling performance of this beauty in your garden.

Madame Crozy


Canna Magenta Gle Series, rich n bright, a personal favorite, Magentagle grows up to 1.6 meters tall.

Canna Maleny, mid sized yellow blooms irregular overlaid with elongated apricot orange, green foliage, raised by Bernard Yorke approx 2008.

Mandarin Dark,


Canna Marie Nagal butterfly type canna with vermilion blooms with some yellow on labellum, blooms progress through to a flushed pink toned, when grown well multiple heads are produced and these eventually cascade down beautifully over her green foliage, 1.7 meters tall, heritage canna, seeds yes.

Marjorie Cole another of the Australian heritage canna varieties with pretty rose pink blooms with the slightest flush of salmon, her throat and stamen also show slight feathering of salmon over cream, flowers are fine with a distinctive crinkle in them, green foliage, canna Marjorie Cole is a dwarf small canna, the maximum height I've had her grow was 0.9 meters tall.

Maverick Magenta with very vibrant deep cerise pink blooms held above coloured foliage, medium height at 1.4 meters tall, raised by Bernard Yorke.


Mattie Cole,

Merle Cole,

M. Holtze,



Canna Morning Glowgle

Canna Morning Glowgle, 1.2 meters tall with green leaves.

Canna Moulin Aurora with butter yellow medium sized blooms held above colored foliage, reaching up to 1.2 meters tall, raised by Bernard Yorke.

Canna Moulin Jaffa with burnt manderine orange blooms held above colored foliage, reaching up to 1.4 meters tall, raised by Bernard Yorke.

Moulin Kholo,

Moulin Peppermint,

Canna Moulin Pink, raised by Bernard Yorke.

Moulin Ruffles, raised by Bernard Yorke.

Moulin Splash,

Mr Majestic,

Canna Mrs Alfred F. Conard has beautiful big flowers of rich salmon pink held well above green leaves, for me she has grown up to 1.4 meters tall, like your canna varieties BIG and bold? then this is a beautiful canna for you.

Canna Munruben, distinctive elongated rich yellow blooms heavily blotched and streaked with orange, raised by Bernard Yorke approx 2008.

Canna Musafolia, foliage plant with huge leaves of dark green with red margin, dark burgundy red stems and red under leaf midrib, simple dark red flowers are shown late in the growing season, this canna is popular for its foliage not its flower, extremly tough and drought hardy, about 2.2 meters tall here however a friend has this same cultivator reaching well above 3 meters tall in the garden, raised in France around the 1860s.

Musafolia Grande,

Canna Musafolia hybrid, green foliage with slender mid brown stems and midrib, new leaves display a dark burgundy margin, very early and free flowering constantly with simple orangey red bloom and increases very well, reaching 1.6+ meters and extremely dry tolerant.

myanmar gle

Canna Myanmar from the Gle Series, 1.5 meters tall, Myanmar is a classed as a bronze coloured leaf canna.



New Day Dawninggle

Canna New Day Dawning, a Gle Series cultivar, reaches 2.05 meters tall above green foliage.

New Norma,

Canna Niagara a heirloom canna, earliest reference I have is from 1917 in Australia, crimson red with yellow margin, green foliage a short grower at 80cm tall.


Canna Odinrae with coral pink almost lilac shaded blooms, that blend beautifully with its colored foliage of bronzed/purple over olive green, raised by me in 2007, 1.2 meters tall, seeds yes.

Oscar Dannecker heritage with big orchid type blooms of orange heavily overlaid n blotched yellow, bronzed foliage, 1.7 mtrs tall.

Painted Aunt,

Canna Pandora raised in Australia, this superb canna has dramatic red blooms overlaid with a slight tint of vermilion and overlaid again with darker vermilion spots that become more prominent, upper lip, stamen and inner throat all show golden yellow markings, all finished off with a sharp golden yellow trim, long lasting quality blooms, green foliage, 1.1+ meters tall, this is not to be confused with the vintage Pandora that has a dark leaf.


Parfait raised in Australia, unusual shade of soft to mid apricot blooms with green foliage, medium grower at 1.2 meters tall.

Parkridge Peach,

Party Time,

Pastel Perfection,

Canna Pearly Shells raised in Australia, opening from soft apricot buds to creamy white blooms so softly flushed with divine apricot and pink, a beautiful canna with green foliage, grows up to 1.1 meters tall.

Pennsylvania heritage with velvety red orchid type blooms overlaid hint of vermilion that's more prominent in cooler weather, green foliage with a fine burgundy trim seen on new growth, easy to grow and increases very well, for me it has grown up-to 1.9 meters tall in the ground, seeds no.

Petite Jolie,


Canna Pink Perfection an Australian canna with soft salmon through to a delightful pale pink with a cream throat and splotching on labellum, Pink Perfection occasionally shows irregular cream margins on her flowers that are held above fresh green foliage, grows up to 1.3 meters tall in the garden.

Canna P. J. Berkman with dazzling cerise flowers held above dark green foliage trimmed burgundy. P J Berkman is always one of the first to flower in early spring and he keeps going right through to the first frost of winter, quality vintage canna, grows 1.4 meters tall in the garden, seeds yes.

Canna Pixie has soft toned butter yellow blooms, labellum heavily splotched red, just reaches up to 1.1 meters tall, green foliage.

canna Poetgle

Canna Poet Gle Series with stunning blooms above green foliage, Poetgle currently reaches 1.2 meters tall.

Poinsettia has clear bright red flowers that show a very fine golden yellow irregular trim and golden yellow feathering on labellum and stamen, canna Poinsettia is one of the growing short canna varieties reaching up to 80 centimeters tall with green foliage.

Canna Polonaise, raised by Bernard Yorke 2007.

Port Denison

Port Douglass

President with scarlet red blooms, that show the slightest touch of a yellow border, green foliage, 1.3 meters tall for me.

President Mayor with dark red blooms, bronzed foliage over olive green, 1.3 meters tall.

Pretty in Pink,

Canna Prince of Burgundy, broad dark blackish brown over dark olive green foliage, Italian/Orchid type red flower, 1.6 meters tall. I've had this canna on trial for a couple of years, you can view the results by clicking here.

Canna Princess Yorke, this special lady has rich cerise pink blooms held above green foliage, her stems and midrib display a beautiful burgundy tone too, grows up to 1.8 meters tall in the garden, raised in Australia.

Canna Pringle Bay with mid pink blooms and variegated leaves of green overlaid with stripes of yellow pink and red canna Pringle Bay grows up to 80 centimeters tall in the garden, this dwarf canna originated in Africa, also known by the name canna Pink Sunburst.

Professor Wendt has deep red blooms with magnificent dark purple toned foliage over green which is common in the dark leaf canna varieties, canna Professor Wendt grows up to 1.4 meters tall.

Canna Ra raised in USA by Robert J. Armstrong -early 1970, Ra is third in the series of the four Aquatic cannas from the famous Longwood Gardens. Ra displays a mass of bright yellow blooms held above slender blue-green foliage, 1.7 meters tall and grows equally well in garden ponds potted then submerged, as marginal’s or garden beds as mine were.

Canna Ra is one of the 4 Aquatic canna varieties from Longwood Gardens. Ra was named in honor of the explorer Thor Heyerdahl's water raft.


Red King Humbert,

Red Renee

Red Stripe,

Canna Renee, with pale pink blooms and thick leaves colored bronzed burgundy over dark green, clumps of Renee will eventually grow up to 1 meter tall.

Canna Richard Wallace #2 obtained under this above name, this is a supposedly a seedling from the famous old canna R Wallace, personally I believe its the old missing Florence Vaughan improved pre 1930, with beautiful big blooms of bright gold heavily spotted with red, green foliage, 1.4 meters tall, seeds yes.



A heirloom canna Rosamond Cole with yellow blooms splotched n spotted scarlet red, labellum scarlet red with a distinctive yellow border, green foliage, 1.3 meters tall for me. Advertised and sold in the USA in 1949 as Rosamond Cole, this canna nowadays is often called rosemond coles or rosamund cole.

Rosea Superba an Australian heirloom canna well in circulation by 1931. Rosea Superba has mid pink blooms with lots of yellowish and cream in throat and on the labellum, rich yellow stamen heavily splotched with deep pink, green foliage, I've had this grow up to 1.1 meters tall.

Canna Rosebud with classic pink shaded flowers with very slight irregular trimmings of cream around and on inner parts of her blooms that are held above green foliage, canna Rosebud grows up to 80 centimeters tall in the garden.

Canna Rosebud Cream Supreme, raised by Bernard Yorke 2008.

Canna Ruffian with rich yellow elongated blooms with irregular placed splotches of scarlet on the staminode's and elongated scarlet to red on labellum, Ruffians flowers are held above green foliage, a very distinctive canna raised by Bernard Yorke 2008, seeds yes.


Salmon Watsonia,

Canna Sarina, raised by Bernard Yorke 2008.

Canna Schertzo, raised by Bernard Yorke 2008/09.

Canna Semaphore, a heirloom from 1895, classed as a yellow canna with dark foliage, yellow overlaid with orange labellum and center, dark bronzed leaves over dark olive green, grows up to 1.7 meters tall.

Canna Shanuni with vermilion red blooms heavily overlaid with dark red splotches finished off with an irregular fine yellow bordering, labellum and stamen heavily blotched yellow and flushed pink, bronzed over green foliage, 1.6 meters tall in the garden, raised by me in 2007 and named in honor for and by my daughter Shantelle and for her beloved English Fox Terrier named Uni, seeds yes.

Canna Sherri Australia canna, opening from soft yellow buds through to cream and finally to white, her rippled blooms are gently splotched with elongated soft pastel pink blotches, around 1.5 mtrs, green foliage, one of the best spotty starts flowering early for me (start Oct) and goes right through to the first frost of winter.

Sherwingle canna sherwin

Canna Sherwin Gle Serries of cannas, 1.7 meters tall in my garden, Sherwingle has green foliage.



canna Social Event Gle series of cannas

Canna Social Event at 1.5 meters tall.

Sonas Red Traffic

canna Spectra Gle cannas

Canna Spectra with large coral pink tropical flowers at 1.4 meters tall.

Spotted Delight

Star of 1891

Canna Star of India has many blooms from soft golden apricot overlaid with a darker salmon tone with some yellow splotching in throat, she also occasionally show's a very fine irregular yellow margin, grows up to 1.4 meters tall, great performer and a very easy flowering canna.

Storm Boy,

Strawberries & Cream,

Strawberry Candy, 1 meter tall, raised approx 2006 by Raimunda.

Short n Spotty, under 60cm, raised approx 2006 by Raimunda.

Stuttgart a spectacular foliage plant of large blue green leaves with irregular variegated foliage of silver, cream to white, at the end of the season as cooler weather starts foliage appears more of a yellow cream than white, pale apricot to pink flowers, up to 3.1 meters tall, discovered in Stuttgart Botanical Gardens Germany.


All about canna Taney

Tangled Web,

Tango form #2,

Tango Tango,


cannas Telstargle

Canna Telstar at 1.1 meters tall, raised in Australia.


Canna Tequila Sunrise with rich mango yellow blooms held above green foliage, up to 1.2 meters tall.




Canna Triomphe has big blooms of glowing scarlet with a distinctive luminous sheen all held above heavily toned beautiful dark bronzed foliage, grows upto 1.8 meters tall in the ground, heritage canna 1920 France, Triomphe has very distinctive flowers with fabulous foliage.

Canna Trinacria Variegata also known as canna Bangkok.

Tropical Cocktail a beautiful canna with soft apricot blooms irregularly overlaid with soft pink all held above bronze foliage over dark olive green, canna Tropical Cocktail was raised in Australia and grows in the garden up to 1.5 meters tall.

Tropical Red,

Tropical Rose,

Tropical Salmon,

Tropical Yellow,

Canna Una has many rose pink blooms with an irregular golden yellow trim, flowering heads eventually cascade downwards from the weight of her many blooms, up to 1.7 meters tall, green foliage, she starts flowering early in the season and if it wasn't for Victoria's frosty winters she would keep going on and on, one of the best pinks.

Canna Uturae with slender and pale butter yellow blooms held well above green foliage and grows up-to 1.9 meters tall and raised by me in 2007.

Virgo tbn seedling, raised by Bernard Yorke 2008.

Species canna Warszewiczii from Brazil, discovered pre 1850s, has simple dark true red blooms which are distinctly different with only two staminode's instead of the normal three which are seen on modern hybrids.

Warszewiczii has elegant green leaves trimmed with purple/burgundy and fabulous brown toned stems and under leaf midrib also. I used to keep it on the dry side and it reached 1.3 meters tall, one of the best sharp and fresh tropical foliage canna's available.



Yellow King Humbert #2 is a red form thats show very promident coverage of red to the extent it throws full flowering heads of all red flowers very frequently, compared to the more common form this appears to me as being more vibrant and sharp when compared to the more common strain above, with time permitting I will do a full page foliage and flower review on Red form Yellow King Humbert.

Canna Yemayarae with the softest of pale pink blooms with yellow on stamen and cream blotched labellum held above green foliage, 1.1 meters tall, raised by me 2007.

Canna Zebra Cole with yellow blooms literally covered with an array of UN-uiformed spots and elongated splotches, flowers are held above green leaves, thought to be an old cultivar raised by Charles Frederick Cole of Australia from 1930s-1960.

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