Cannagle Cannas Gle Series

These following cannas were raised by Glen who resides in South Western, Victoria, Australia and he is a breeder of many new cannas and has had an array of different canna cultivars.
I first spoke with Glen in March 2007 when he rang me inquiring about canna Capri that I was selling on ebay many years ago, since then we have discussed the ins and outs of different canna cultivars with many late night phone calls and email picture's flying back and forth along with several visits to each of our properties.
I’ve also known him as a canna lily breeder over the years with some cannas from pre 2010, 2016 and especially since late 2021 he has excelled in breeding cannas in many exciting and new colour combinations never seen in Australia before.

Canna Adoration

Canna Adoration is a short grower reaching 0.90 cm tall in my garden with pretty very pale soft apricot heavily flushed pink flowers all held above green leaves.

Canna Albatrossgle with scarlet red/orange flowers with yellow speckled throat and edging. Reaches 1.6 meters tall with lush green sword shaped leaves. Some wind protection is beneficial as petals are very delicate. Raised 2017 First pic is a good indication of its true colour.

canna Alma Gle series

Artists Palletgle

Canna Artist Palletgle a short grower reaching 1 meter tall in my garden.

anjees childgle

Canna Annjees Child grows to 1.2 meters tall in my garden.

Avagle Gle Series of Tropical Cannas

Canna Eudialytgle grows to around 1.8 meters tall for me when fully in flower with green foliage. Blooms of red flowers with darker red spots appear from mid summer and continue right through until cooler weather hits in mid April for my area. This is a very vigorous growing canna with lots of blooms.

Exhale tall pink flowering canna.

Canna Femininitigle with deep lolly pink yet bright and vibrant flowers, masses of flowers produced above green foliage with a burgundy margin on new growth. Easily reaching 1.6 meters tall. This was the first impressive seedling I kept for the 2021/22 season. Superb colour and  a very vigorous grower.

Canna Fleuragle with brilliant large flowers of creamy shades with pink hues becoming more prominent as flowers age. Fleuragle shows very unusual flower colours and shape. Green leaves and reaching 1.4 meters tall in height.

Pink Flowers on Gracefulgle

Canna High In Staturegle with broad flowers of a very pretty flushed salmon pink that show a irregular cream partial bordering, flowers are well branched and lots of them. High In Stature is a very tall canna and a extremely vigorous grower with large green sword like foliage and flowers at a height of 2 meters tall makes this an ideal planting at back of a garden bed.

Canna I am Beautifulgle with a broad pink flower with all over ruffled yellow edges, this canna is simply a knockout and vigorous grower and flowering sort. These beautiful flowers on I am Beautiful reach 1.5 meters in height.

Canna Incagle
with very broad flowers of bright golden yellow that progress through to a flushed tangerine hue, all held above green foliage. Canna Inca is a vigorous grower reaching 1.4 meters tall with thick stems and is a real favorite of mine.

Canna Jaffagle was raised by Glen in 2016. This cultivar produces rich pink flowers that progress to apricot held above beautiful bronze green foliage with lovely ribbing of bronze segments. Jaffa is real favorite of mine which is a very vigorous grower reaching 1.6 meters tall and a constant flowering canna.

Canna Kirwingle

Canna Kiss Me Quickgle

Canna Lappingle with very large flowers overlaid and blotched in cerise red that also bleed out onto a yellow edged border with generous yellow displayed in throat.  A wonderful vigorous growing canna that the flowers seem to overlap each other. Large green leaves, Lappin easily grows to 1.6 meters in height.

Canna Leopardgle, raised by Glen in 2018, currently grows 1.8 meters tall with a masses of flowers in bright yellow and red spots. This is a vigorous grower and abundant flowering spotty canna and also produces seeds.

Light My Path, Gle Cannas



Canna Peach Poppagle was hybridized by Glen in 2016, it grows to around 1.8 meters tall for me when fully in flower with deep green sword like foliage with a bronze margin. Radiant explosion of blooms of pink peachy flowers that change as they age, canna Peach Poppa blooms have a glow like appearance appear from mid summer and continue right through until cooler weather in mid April for my area. Very strong grower with lots of blooms. A wonderful Cannagle Cannas bloomer and producers seed.

Picture Perfectgle

Canna Prizzigle

Canna Recurve Gle Series of cannas

Canna Rock Melongle

Canna Sunsetgle a beautiful flowering mix of oranges, pinks, reds and yellow hues are displayed on this truly beautiful canna. With new foliage displaying mahogany margins and mid rib with prominent ribbing over bronze. Canna Sunset grows up to 1.6 meters tall.

canna Tender Gle series

canna Tiny Moongle

Canna Valenciagle with mid sized flower of intense burnt orange held above large broad green leaves, canna Valencia reaches a height of 1.6 meters tall in the garden.

Canna Visiongle with oblong pale pink flowers that show pale yellow speckling and edging makes this a very pretty and unusual colored bloom indeed. Canna Vision is a very vigorous growing canna with green sword like foliage and flowers reach a height of 1.6 meters tall.

Voltage Gle Series of Tropical Cannas

Canna Xenogamygle with pale yellow broad flowers with a deeper yellow trimmed and ruffled edges along with pale pink elongated blotches that are darker on the labellum makes this a truly outstanding and unique bloom. Canna Xenogamy flowers are held above blue green leaves on very thick stems reaching 1.4 meters tall.

Canna Zebra whilst this cultivar was not raised by Glen, I thought Id include it for reference as Glen has produced several outstanding varieties from this beauty. Some new hybrids in the Cannagle Cannas Series from this cultivar are in the Zebraic Series and vary greatly in height, bloom and foliage colours. Zebra flowers are very heavily mottled and blotched with deep velvet red over mid golden yellow and are held above green foliage, grows up to 1.6 meters tall.

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